00 MA Final Show Design

Installation Idea


 Creating an immersive soup of digital and physical interactive objects all within the theme of Morphogenesis.  




The setup



The installation is a imaginative educational ecology of biological simulated processes. 

These take the form of actual biological processes (bubble making and detection). Physical representations of processes (lights which communicate with each other either with genetic or cellular coding) that have been made using voronoi and reaction diffusion output patterns. Digital projections of imaginative L-system trees and floor interactive swarms projections.

The floor system will have generative sounds made possible by user interaction. If bubbles can be detected they will also generate both sound and floor swarm projections. The lights will also generate different sounds and lighting sequences and will talk to each other. The L-systems will also generate sounds when there “leaves’’ fall to the ground.

As well as the ecology. There will be either a educational video or interactive display and animation explaining to the viewer all of the processes in action and why they are used.

Morphogenetic algorithms in use include:
(All of my algorithms)

  • 1  Voronoi patterns
  • 2. Reaction Diffusion algorithms and patterns
  • 3. Swarming algorithms
  • 4. Genetic algorithms
  • 5. L-systems algorithms
  • 6. Cellular automata algorithms
  • 7. A blob detection system with built-in gestures. Which feeds into the ecology.

Actual physical processes:

  • 8. giant bubble creation and detection.



The application of the Morphogenetic algorithms:

  1. Voronoi patterns (used to make the clay lights that communicate with each other)
  2. Reaction Diffusion algorithms and patterns (used to make the clay lights that communicate with each other)
  3. Swarming algorithms (generated by the bubbles and by user the user interaction)
  4. Genetic algorithms ( used for a basic ecology of organism on the floor projections)
  5. L-systems algorithms (side projection of l-system trees with seeds that drop to floor of blown the wind)
  6. Cellular automata algorithms (possible light communication )
  7. A blob detection system with built-in gestures. Which feeds into the ecology. (swarms which either are created by the blobs and or feed genetically  into the floor projections and are controlled by the user interacting with them)
  8. Giant bubble creation and detection. (Detected and transferred into sound and digital swarms representations onto the floor.)