08 Morphogenesis Proposal

Art Theory Project Proposal

What is the overarching area of research?
The use of Morphogenesis in design

What are the key questions or queries you will address?
The origin of creative morphogenesis 
Different maths used in creative morphogenesis 
Unsual ways of using morphogenesis: diffusion. socialogical,l-systems,architecture

Why are you motivated to undertake this project?
I have been using morphogenesis design for clients for over 10 years mostly in scultpure and branding across uk (L-systems, creative particle systems, flocking systems and fluids)

What theoretical frameworks will you use in your work to guide you?

Mostly from the references from different research papers. From the chemical diffusion paper by Alan Turin and the Gray-Scott diffusion paper. Lindenmeyer L-systems. In architecture Digital Morphogenesis by Neil Leach and Towards Morphogenesis in Architecture Stanislav Roudavski. Reviewing the work of Otto Frei. Looking at Philosophy via Delanda and Deleuze and the use of the Genetic Algorithms in Architecture. Reviewing the work of Andy Lomas.










What theoretical frameworks will you use in the analysis of your project?

Due to the complexity of the maths involved, the analysis will be founded upon readings on how other people have used and interpreted the work. From creatively using the math theories and general botanical observations to Delanda essays on Deleuze philospohical interpretations.

Gray-Scott diffusion PAPER http://karlsims.com/rd.html



How will you document your project? 

On my blog at http://blog.chiggs.com/art-theory-reviews/

Timeline for project milestones

1 week ground work (overall picture reading research)
2 weeks writing different parts of the essay.
1 week on creativity.

Budget (if any)